Sunday, August 5, 2012

My chocolate run ~

by Dorothy Koomson

It was not only an awesome entertainment and an unexpected-romance comedy for those who seek some chick-flick reading.

It was what I needed or some sort of comfort that my life is not as peculiar as I thought it would be.

Well, you can't help when you keep questioning about yourself or how you react throughout these years. Why did you succumb to such habits all these years (Yes, I might have been called a grandma or old in mindset) and to do a regular check in reality, whether in life you are going in the right direction?

I mean we do not have all the answers we need in life. Sometimes, or most of the time, you stumble on the right answers when you are already in the middle of something. That's life.

I am a try-it-all girl if I am given the chance. You may not know it due to the fact that I am rather reserved about myself but yeah. I can talk to any stranger on the planet and can last for hours (or weeks) but eventually I will turn into my usual quiet self like an automatic switch button, when the time comes. It's like the time setting for your bread that pops up from the toaster. I did notice this but yeah, the question was why? haha, I found out about this during my college years but it took me this special book to give me the answer behind the weird switch.

And I always question or rather doubt whether this is right or trying to make sure that the path I chose will not lead me to destruction. For example, money and stability are two major factors that women look for their future husbands. What if that particular bloke has none but all others? (Well, this post IS related to the book mentioned- so I narrowed the question down to some romance-related or rather an all-time-favourite quote. Yes, you might have guessed it- IS HE THE ONE?????????

Oh well back to me- I know I am going to defy the natural laws and I knew when I grow up, I would not set in to be the same like all others. I know but Can I handle the future. Let alone handle other people to adapt to my choice. Again, the question has been burning in me and Yes, I might ignore it now and then. But, in the end, we all have those mysterious and out-of-the-world questions that hung to us wherever we go.

But I had a little tiny peek at the future today when the book let a new perspective to sink into my brain. I won't know for sure but I will keep going as it has turned out to be My Chocolate run- all this time.

I hope you find yours, Reader ~

Monday, May 14, 2012

The power of Believing and Hope

It's okay if things change.

It's okay if I have to fight off problems everyday of my life.

It's okay if I feel alone sometimes in this journey

It's okay that I am not willing to give up

It's okay if I got tore apart and pushed over by Reality

It's okay if I lost something on the way, maintaining my values and beliefs

It's okay if I still love those moments

It's okay if I am still fighting for the future and present.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Someone said . . .

What may be good for you may not be the BEST for you. Although this was a comment on facebook, I wonder how true is this for me.

It is a bad year for me ever since I came back from UK. I never felt so out of place.

So many times these ugly things  happened. But I kept telling myself it would be better again and again. Did I manage to trick myself to be happy and perhaps, this is not really what I want?

So many rejection from so many sources just because I put myself out there. They say if you aim higher, maybe you might fall near the stars above. I feel that this is far from the truth. Perhaps it is based on one's perspective.

Believe me, I did try. I am not sure this is going right anymore. I know when you throw yourself out there and try anything, you must be prepared to face the rejection and failures that you don't even expect to hit you.

Can I take any more of those hits?

I can't just complain and do nothing. Whether I like it or not, I am alone in CLP. I am the one sitting for this BL**** EXAM. I have done my homework and have reached to the midpoint of this journey. To throw everything now is a waste of my time and energy.

Tell yourself, it's alright if nobody appreciates you or things go wrong. For after a stormy rain, the sunlight will show itself again. It is just a matter of time and hope.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Paintball or Pain war?

haha well the title speaks for itself.

Recently, I decided to brave myself and signed up for a paintball session which took place in Summit. Dome Paintball. It was reasonably cheap as we managed to score Groupon. RM 38 for 200 pellets. Well, 30 + of us signed up to give it a try. We were so excited that the facebook event page was filled with discussion on war cries, how to divide and conquer, and how the groups are gonna have war!

I was pretty damn scared because of the rumour that paintball leaves BRUISES or SCARS on your skin. As a paintball virgin, I was terrified and I google-d on the precautions and preps I should take on b4 entering doom zone.

well, look at us. so Happy to gather with friends for paintball

We gathered at Summit USJ after lunch etc. Arrived there and waited for other teams to finish so that the field will be ours. While waiting, some teams were planning how their team is going to win the game and other were just listening how LOUD the shooting was when the teams were battling it out!

Always wear something thick/baggy/long to cover your precious skin. It helps as you need all the protection you can get.

Never open your mask when you are in the field, as Anything can Happen- including going blind if any of the shot got your eye. *Touch wood*

Always listen to the marshall and keep your guns down man when you are out of the field. Remember your safety pins so that the you won't accidentally shoot when you are out of the field.

Finally, try not to shoot your opponent when you are less than 3 metres from one another. It is Awfully painful!!! And try not to shoot friendly fire on your OWN team mates. It happens.

Eventually, some of the teams were damn aggressive. I think they went delusional and determined as much to CONQUER the opponents and they thought they were playing Counter Strike 4D.

Some of us were enjoying the fun and we play as we were, not too tensed up to Kill the opponents but just backing up our team mates and focus on the FUN.


1. Bruises, be it coloured with red or brown or black.

2. Bleed like a man? Some poor soul might get head and finger shots.

3. Sweat like a ? The mask got fogged up from our heavy breathing. I guess we were too hyped up or scared of the opponents and fogged our masks.

4. Make friends like on your first day of school =)

5. Enjoy the fun and smile like a CHAMPION !

Saturday, March 31, 2012

I Can't Help It !

Everybody has goals but how far do you go to the extent of sacrificing things in life for your goals?

For me, this year, I have to kill this mother of all exams, namely CLP. It's not easy this year as compared to other years or examinations where I can roughly figure out what my strategy is.

If  I want to kill this exam, what should I lose to gain this pass? I am already losing so much fun by limiting myself from going out so much with friends and family. I am trying to restrain myself from wasting time 'lepaking' too much. I am trying to be more efficient when I am building bridges with the law books. All in all, I limit how much I can have fun in life. It is depressing and I wonder whether it is worth it, after all these years.

Yeah, people might say, SHUT UP, cos you got better results than me or job offers or university offers. You might think that I am showing off but I am most definitely not. If I am showing off, I will put it IN YOUR FACE kinda situation by grabbing every chance I have to state how great are my results or offers (After your every sentence). And I won't stop.

Call me a result-oriented person and I am quite the extremist, I still can't balance much between play and work. Throughout the years, if I want 'IT', I can achieve IT. Well, not to forget the sacrifices I make to reach IT. People always assume that 'WOW YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME, THAT'S WHY YOU GET TO HAVE THE RESULTS'. If only, maybe, you work harder than you had, don't you think you could make a difference in your future marks? I mean let's not open our big mouth and blame it on other individuals' smart brains or 'I am dumber' statements. Just stop whining and start doing. If you fail, it must be your fault (entirely).

Oh well, I still can't answer this question as to how far more am I willing to burn 'things' into ashes for CLP?

Can you answer yours then?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Let's Face it. Let's Face Rejection!

We all have taken NO for an answer. We all have received 'Unfortunately, You are unsuccessful. We wish you all the best in your future undertakings.' We all have faced the phase where nobody wants to support us or our ideas. We all have, once or too many times.

Be it our crush from high school or presenting our slideshow in front of our boss. Or the teeth-gritting moment when you are waiting anxiously for your interview call-back or university application feedback. Oh let us not forget about rejection from people when we are new in the school or workplace.

Let us face Rejections upfront and not squirm behind the seats. Let us rise up to say Enough, Rejection and you shall not pass ! (haha, some 9GAG Gandalf joke) Let us see that we Triumph over rejection AND COME OUT GLORIOUS!

Check it out -

I have faced rejections countless of times and I definitely have been upset so many times too. I mean sometimes we cannot help it but feel so upset. Rejection brings that out of you.

Such a negative word or is it?

But don't you think it can be a Positive word?
First, reduce the R to rejection. Keep telling yourself, it is the other person's loss for rejecting me because in the end, I will be the best student/ partner/employee/ person that you miss out!

I have received rejection from workplace, universities and more applications. When applying or going through an interview, I decided to be myself and offered them the plate of the true me. I know what are my strengths and weaknesses and some people may not like what they see, thus the rejection word again.

But I appreciate rejections. I really do. Without rejection, I would not have gained that determination and strong will to study my hardest for my final year of Law degree in Newcastle. Without rejection, better opportunities will not fall into my lap. Without rejection, I will not realize more about myself and Improve to be a better me.

I thank you, rejection. For without you, I will not be here or be who I am today.

So, let us spin rejection into Our Sensation!!!

If Only I have the Emotion detector!

Not mind reader, mind you! I mean I do not want to hear thoughts from people. A thought sometimes does not mean anything as it is a fleeting idea that zoom through your brain. Sometimes, they are harmless and meaningless, created by irrationality or erupted due to raw emotions.

What I want is a machine that can predict the person's emotion based on what I say or do or show her/him.

Imagine planning a surprise party for your beloved best friend and she actually hated the present or the crowd that you gathered in her house to shout 'SURPRISE!' after she arrives home. I want to know whether she/he will love it before I put the whole plan into action and avoid the sour/ disappointed episode.

Simple things like trying to help your sweetie or parents in their work or school but then it backfire because they think you are trying to show-off and barking on how to do their work.

Other things such as your good intention to be more caring or thoughtful and be there for them might just make you fade away from their world. They might just want to be alone without you interfering.

Other situations like missing out on your friend/ relative who have been all-time low and depressed might lead to an ugly picture. You will most likely want to know all the emotions inside him/her to know when to lend a helping hand to avoid anything bad happen to them. At times, a simple kind gesture can save a life.

If only this machine exists, but I'm just dreaming!
If you watched Click by Adam Sandler, you know what I mean when I say with this machine, we will not be leading a LIFE afterall. Experiencing emotions and people are what we do, instead of relying on some machine to tell us to be human.

Life ~