Saturday, March 24, 2012

Let's Face it. Let's Face Rejection!

We all have taken NO for an answer. We all have received 'Unfortunately, You are unsuccessful. We wish you all the best in your future undertakings.' We all have faced the phase where nobody wants to support us or our ideas. We all have, once or too many times.

Be it our crush from high school or presenting our slideshow in front of our boss. Or the teeth-gritting moment when you are waiting anxiously for your interview call-back or university application feedback. Oh let us not forget about rejection from people when we are new in the school or workplace.

Let us face Rejections upfront and not squirm behind the seats. Let us rise up to say Enough, Rejection and you shall not pass ! (haha, some 9GAG Gandalf joke) Let us see that we Triumph over rejection AND COME OUT GLORIOUS!

Check it out -

I have faced rejections countless of times and I definitely have been upset so many times too. I mean sometimes we cannot help it but feel so upset. Rejection brings that out of you.

Such a negative word or is it?

But don't you think it can be a Positive word?
First, reduce the R to rejection. Keep telling yourself, it is the other person's loss for rejecting me because in the end, I will be the best student/ partner/employee/ person that you miss out!

I have received rejection from workplace, universities and more applications. When applying or going through an interview, I decided to be myself and offered them the plate of the true me. I know what are my strengths and weaknesses and some people may not like what they see, thus the rejection word again.

But I appreciate rejections. I really do. Without rejection, I would not have gained that determination and strong will to study my hardest for my final year of Law degree in Newcastle. Without rejection, better opportunities will not fall into my lap. Without rejection, I will not realize more about myself and Improve to be a better me.

I thank you, rejection. For without you, I will not be here or be who I am today.

So, let us spin rejection into Our Sensation!!!