Friday, March 9, 2012

Why do you want to become a Lawyer ?

Does this sum up for us NOT to go forth in pursuing our law career path?

Are we just up for the money or interest in joining this prestigious profession? Every law student sure has this nagging voice of asking why LAW?

Why do we push ourselves through the piles of textbooks, articles, extra reading materials and research to get this degree?
Why do we tell ourselves it is okay to slave ourselves when we are young for the materialistic considerations?
Why do we sacrifice so much of time, energy and dreams just to call ourselves a lawyer?
Why are we willing to not get paid for our OVERTIME or overzealous commitment to sit in the firm and continue working without getting paid enough?

If you say it is for money, even a businessman can earn more than what a lawyer is earning as lawyers attached to a firm will only get the standard monthly salary as opposed to the cut which you will obtain if that is your client in your own firm.

If you say it is for interest, good for you ! I mean, there are some of us who wants to help the poor or the greater good, raise awareness and fight for the rights of those who are defenceless and etc. For passion can take you far on your journey of achieving this dream of yours.

But what if you have a firm which you were expected to shoulder when you finish graduating and successfully being called to the Bar?

What if I do not like to be cooped up in the firm regardless of the fact that I can earn my big RM with the firm. It is akin to handing a golden egg to you, as the firm is already set up and well-established. What more do you want?

What if I do not like to be a lawyer after getting all the necessary qualifications?

The answer is you will never know until you try. Life is not perfect and is full of tribulations, revealing hidden paths that lead to another great adventure. It is a matter of balancing of what you dream of your life and the reality check.

Those who practised law might not like it and change the career path as they wish to be involved something non-related to law! Others might find comfort of the money satisfaction and continue the path of a lawyer.

The thing is you never know that you might actually like becoming a lawyer.

So, my first step- Kill CLP and try how this path turns out for me. A gamble !


Shaarmila said...

it's 50-50 chance...let's finish what we started and take it one step at a time!

Unknown said...