Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Does NOT mean I'm rich!

I am a LAW graduate from the United Kingdom. I know it is bloody expensive to even pay for the tuition fees and living expenses for even a few months.

People will always be wow-ed or amazed by the time they realized that I am an overseas graduate. Worse, they might just cast a permanent perception that I am stuck-up, spoiled or waste money like how we breathe oxygen.

I mean I know how exorbitant it may be to even study final year in the United Kingdom. Come on, RM 5 = £1! And it was as high as 7 times before it dropped to 5 times our Malaysian Ringgit.

No offence to whoever insisted that I am spoiled or do not appreciate the value of money when you know I studied my ass in my final year in Newcastle . . . but I am offended!

I know how much my family went through to give me an awesome education, especially a year in the UK. I know how many people could not even think bout this golden opportunity and they have to stay in Malaysia to finish your education. I do not look down on people who studied here and I remain amazed when I hear people getting First Class doing the external programmes here. They are tough solid rocks!

The thing is my parents may be able to foot for the expenses for that one final year but -
I AM NOT RICH. I am just like you, a student or perhaps like you who have just started paying for their bills on their first job/ part-time. I do appreciate money and my parent's effort to continue supporting me. I do not like to ask for money from my parents (if I can) . I mean even my phone is from the dinosaur's era! All my friends told me to get a new phone (that includes my 10 year old brother!). Well. a lot of people are having smartphones and even kids have IPADs in their hands.

What I am trying to say is let us be slow to judge an overseas graduate. Cos some of us are just like you, save for the awesome parents who happen to be willing to sponsor us to go study overseas.

I do appreciate what my parents have done for me. How do I repay them? Study as smart and hard as I can  and hehe - First Class Honours in my hands !