Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Newcastle + Law = Best potion ever!

After the angst-y post about not being judged, I thought of posting one about the awesome year I had for prospective students who are considering for Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom !

 ♥  Professing my love to Newcastle!

It was one of the most amazing and crazy study year of all times. I am glad I picked a university and city that I adore so much. Perhaps it matched my personality which has a knack of doing things, going out and meeting new people.

Dear Newcastle,

I miss you so much because of the SPRING and awesome breeze.


I miss you because I met these beautiful gals there =)

And I love how super-friendly the people are and the parties are crazy. They just so know how to party and let loose to have a GREAT TIME! Dancing at Madame Koo's, Perdu, Liquid, Digital and more .  =)

hehe and cheap, amazing liquor. I don't really drink and only do occasionally. Well, as long you know how to drink responsibly, go ahead and have fun tasting all the flavoured ones and most of them you cannot find  here in Malaysia ! The one in the picture is apple-flavoured. Yummmy!


I hate that I am apart from you Newcastle. Don't you miss me?

The Northumbria University is AMAZING! The library is 24-hr and has moving shelves, underground - a student's best friend, especially when I am in my final year. I never felt so amazed like this in all my studying years. It motivated me so much to study and research as much as I want! 

The lecturers and tutors are crazy-smart and friendly (well, apart from a few which should not be named unless you approach me for some TIPS. hehe)

The extra activities are beyond your imagination. I mean I kinda regretted when I did not have enough time on my hands to join any of them. Degree is my paramount concern as my classification is based solely on my final year in Northumbria! They even have LGBT and more. hehe

I miss studying there without the sweat and I do miss the cold. Snow? We had too much of it, not to mention the FIRE ALARMS that kept us out in the cold until it was clear that it is safe to go back into the building and sleep. After for while, the snow became so annoying as some people just kept slipping down, but I did not and managed to maintain my balance =) Snow fight was so painfully cold to play but fun!!

All in all, Newcastle gave me such memorable moments until to the extent that me and my friend nearly agreed to bail the air plane that was calling for us to fly back to Malaysia !

Best potion ever ^^ (refer to the title of this blog). What can I say, I got hooked instantly until now, regardless whether I am still stuck in Malaysia !


Love from me, oh How I miss you Newcastle.             


Shaarmila said...

omg!...newcastle is my drug! n i love being high on it!...

Unknown said...

yessss =) apparently no stock for now. sad