Saturday, June 19, 2010

it's going downhill

i know im gona lose it. i have tried. why cant things work out? yeah, why not? cos life is tough and we shud face it as an adult, where u cant gt tings that u alwiz want.

im tired of all this. compromise is no longer there. whats with the sudden anger and just ignoring me. this part of me is just going downhill. i wont tell others bout this. im used to it.

its both sides' fault . i never blame u.y cant we just do this together instead of ignoring me? tears just drop. i cant hold it in anymore.

if this wont work out i tink im gona take a break when im in d uk. it is time for me-time in this one year period.
if no1 is gona help me, im just gona help myself. thats hw it is.

ive committed, ive not lied, ive tried, i have seen u tried. but not this time.
i hv predicted change. n yeah life will alwiz have changes. but y now?
what do u wanna me do den? i asked u. u just ignore. keeping that - just go home- look. why cant we just try to settle dis? straight in d face.

whatever happens, i still have myself to rely on. and that's that.